Women’s Health & Continence Physiotherapy

What are the factors?
Did you know that 1 in 3 Australian women who have had babies have problems with continence. Your pelvic floor muscles form a very important part of the support network for your pelvis and lower back as well as working to help maintain good control of your bladder and bowel function.

Unfortunately up to 25 % of women actually strain and push their pelvic floor muscles instead of contracting them, and 30% of women have difficulty or can’t contract their pelvic floor muscles effectively.

We Use Real – Time Ultrasound to diagnose and retrain you to use the correct muscle in a relax and effective way.

Do you have any of these symptoms?
  • Back and Pelvic Pain
  • Difficulty lifting or going up and down steps
  • Pain at night or poor sleeping
  • Menopause pain, discomfort and difficulty with continence
  • Incontinence
Book in with our Women’s Health Physiotherapist to get back in control. Learning how to use your pelvic floor and core muscles sometimes needs assistance so don’t feel embarrassed to ask for help.

Your first consultation will be approximately 1 hour to do a full assessment and get your program started. Current research shows correct pelvic floor exercises can help reduce labour time, improve healing post-delivery, prevent incontinence and improve function.